Saturday, September 6, 2008


7 September 2008 (Sun.)

amigos para siempre = friends for life, that is the title for 1st INCOVAR Dinner and Dance, which held at Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya, 6 September.

Now I affirmed that "white" is the favourite color of Sister Kah Yein. Brother Chin Kah looks much more younger without his spec.

Long time no see: from right: Mabel, Anne and Wee Boon ( still as slim as 9 years ago!).

Introduce the sexy babe of the night: Wendy Goh (right)

A group photo with Datuk Dr, Victor Wee (strip shirt) - The Father of Independence for INCOVAR.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Wendy Goh! Long time no see her already ^^ still looks the same