15 Sept 2008, Sun.
Meet my 2 mums: my mother in-law (left) and my mother (right, carry Yu Xuan). Both share one commonality - can cook good foods!

J.O perform his "standard" smiling face, both of us have a rounder face as compared to few years ago.

It was a raining nite, thus cancelled our Tanglung parade and 'hang' up the tanglungs at the home yard (sheltered). It glown like the beautiful flowers at night:)

Me, busy serving different types of Chinese tea besides the variety of moon cake. The only 'food' (should be dessert) I cooked was the pinky-jelly with assorted apples.
Me, busy serving different types of Chinese tea besides the variety of moon cake. The only 'food' (should be dessert) I cooked was the pinky-jelly with assorted apples.
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