24 August 08 (Sun.)
Quite a boring day I would say, except for the noble reason why we want to take part in this charity programme. We (J.O and Mummy as well) arrived quite early. There are not much stall or programme for the 8000 participants to "kill time". I am quite ok with the dull arrangement as I have Eye Asia magazine and "Awakening to Your Life Purpose" to read. But Eckhart Tolle's book is quite difficult to absorb mainly due to the noisy environment. Anyany, J.O and I still manage to try something new, which is to have drawing paint on our hand.
All the invited artists/ singer starts to entertain us, one by one...I am still fancy about auntie Francisca Peter's vocal, it is really fantastic. She is still agile and enenergetic as before, but it would definitely better if she can shed off some kgs from her body. I mean she looks as beautiful as before, the only difference is her body weight lor.
At this moment, the superstar Michale Wong (Guan Liang) already performs his master pieces namely "yong qi" and "tong hua"; but I think the more inspite part will be the take home message delivered by the Vice President of HELP University, he remind us not to complain too much about food and other material possesions, to believe that we as an individual can really make a difference to the world. The child foster programme seems quite good, hmm, will consider it later.
P/s: Not feeling hungry over these 2 days, is it because we took different nutritious and energy drink such as hi-cal milk, fruit juice (in pack) and soya drink? If we are going to take part next year, must try drink only the plain water practises/ challenge.
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