I am still eating in the office. I told Ms. Yap and Mely that I wanna to eat till 10.00am sharp, then officially enter the Famine 30 campaign. I had 3 buns for breakfast with assorted "Bak Kua", cheese and tomato and one cup of old town white coffee, not bad huh.
Today is actually the graduation of the hardworking and religious Mr. Tony Ow. All our family members gather at Kajang (Tokyo Studio), to take the memorable family photo.
Tony and his gf bring us to Kee V restaurant (near Sungai Chua), they are famous for the Hot and Sour Soup and other local dishes. The dishes looks yummy but J.O, mummy and myself only order for soya drinks and milo, fasting mah. I agree with what Wilson said: "happiness is because of togetherness and not because of the food". Thank you for the morale support, brother.
I change my mind and drop by SABS to show our support for the Buddhist Hymms Singing Competition. After all, this is our homeground event. I sit still for the performance while J.O is walking around to "tegur-sapa" with friends. Ya, is quite boring for him to stay long hours at home to support the US team. He needs time, space and companion to talk, no man is an island in this world.
Finally it is the turn for our SABS Youth (English Group), I know they have try their best, the spirit to participate is far more important than awards. However, I believe SABS choir group will improve after learning the experience from this event. Happy to see that there are so many young and talented Buddhist Hymms singer in Pennisular of Malaysia. Only some of the solo performance and singer that I can remember, like: Karuna Tan Yi Wen (daugther of Brother Tan Huat Chye), the pretty teen singer from BUDS who looks alike Sue Lyn, Poh Imm's
daughter and so forth.
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